Highland's Rwanda |
White Crested Red SR Sow |
Highland's Rwanda
White Crested Red SR Sow
Rwanda is my pride and joy of my caviary, taking numberious BOB's and BOSB's she has 6-7 grandchampion
legs, is grandchampioned, and now retired. Two of her children I have kept are Bewitched (deceased), and Ankenasu. Rwanda
took as one of her big wins BOSB Youth ARBA Nationals in 2001. She is also featured on the home page.
Cavies Without Pictures:
Highland's Ankenasu
White Crested Dilute Agouti SR Boar #917
-son of Highland's Rwanda-
White Crested Red Int Sow #
-will be bred to Ankenasu in the fall-
Highland's Ashitaka
Teddy Satin Broken SR Boar #986
-2 grandchampion legs-
Abyssinian Satin Red Eyed Orange Jr Boar #
-bought from Sheri Proffitt at the Canby show in may-